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Posted in ARMONIA, ATTUALITA', ECONOMIA E POLITICA, EVOLUZIONE, PROPOSTE MILLENARIE, TUTTE LE CATEGORIE with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on dicembre 4, 2011 by beautiful41


This is a message for all Citizens of the Earth but, more specifically, for all citizens of the western world. It is a reminding to participate on the Winter Solstice of 22nd December to the greatest peaceful demonstration of human kind. It is a free, spontaneous demonstration, open to everybody, to be held in every town or city of the world in order to forge our own destiny, making a new revolutionary change of course on the way progress and civilization are intended.

Our governors, either from right or from left, be they republicans or democrats, are fully immersed in the teachings that they have received at school and therefore their brains are brainwashed with the notions that the present system, based on democracy ruled from the top and on an unlimited or unrestricted free market, is the only possible system where, by cutting jobs and expenses or raising taxes in various ways, they can manage the way to sort out of the present depression. They cannot even imagine that the right answer for solving the problem could be to reform the “system” itself which is producing abysmal unbearable differences among human beings and among nations, no matter how strong you can play with cuts and taxes, and could threaten a world disaster.

As we, the Citizens of the Earth, are the final payers of each and every undertaking of our governments, we have no choice than to take on our shoulders the leadership of the destiny that, by nature, has always belonged to us. We, the Citizens of the Earth, starting with the global demonstration of the Winter Solstice of 22nd December, will establish a new form of democracy, a “direct democracy” by showing our intentions, with the presence of hundreds of millions of persons, that have to be followed or executed by our governors. We reverse the old idea that the people are following what their governors dictate, changing it to the opposite, and forever, where the governors must follow what the people dictate.

The Planet Earth belongs to all human beings. It has been given by God to all of us in order for us to take care of it, to take care of its nature and of ourselves, in the respect, dignity and freedom of every single soul and being. This vision and program cannot be achieved by the present system which recognizes all the rights to material possessions, freedom, respect and dignity for a few privilrged persons only, while denying it to the real deservers, the great majority of the Citizens of the Earth. We, therefore, don’t want to put the train back on course toward the robbery where it was heading, and still does, before the disaster occurred; we want to direct it toward another, new, more just and sustainable direction.

We, the Citizens of the Earth, have already established in the previous article n. 77 – the Betrayal of Constitutions – what is our first step that we intend to make in order to forge a new “system” more suitable to the sharing future that is waiting for us. This first step will occur on the Winter Solstice of 22nd December. From that date our governors have the choice of two possibilities. The first possibility is to follow these rules dictated by the people, or Citizens of the Earth. The second possibility is to step down.

Solstice by Solstice we will perform the subsequent steps toward simplicity and soberness of a world where the governors of every representation, be it a Nation, a State or a Region or Council, will be formed always by only 12 persons, or Counsellors, and one President or Prime Minister. Those 12 plus one will be in charge for one year only. They must own no more than their own living house and must perform their job or duty without salary or remuneration, except free food for themselves and their families, the main reward being honour, honesty, prestige, authority, trust, self-esteem, proudness and glory to represent the leadership of the Citizens of the Earth.

In this new world money will loose gradually its relevance or importance as it will be substituted by the value of the work and achievements of the persons. We will therefore resuscitate the real economy. Maximum difference allowed in salaries will be one to two, being one the salary of the lowest paid and twice that amount for the highest paid. Private property will be kept untouched but on the second or third generation it will be returned to the local community except for the house and private belongings of the heirs. This new world where we will be bound will be, as consequence, a world without greed or voracity, where people don’t need to lock themselves inside and where good faith and solidarity could have more chances to succeed than now and where the final aim is the spontaneous respect for the dignity, freedom and privacy, intangible, of each and every woman and man.

We, the Citizens of the Earth, on these basis, will establish a New Nation, the United States of Atlantis formed by all Nations or States on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean that, on a free will of the majority of their citizens, decide to be part of it. This Great Nation will have as common and official language the english language, a common Constitution based on the mentioned principles of the Citizens of the Earth, a government based in Lisboa. The currency of the United States of Atlantis will be the ECU (for Earth Currency Unit) whose value will be approximately that of the dollar today.The United States of Atlantis will be open to any other Nation that decides to join them, being the final aim of the Citizens of the Earth the establishment of one Nation for the entire planet.

All this, and much more, you can achieve by making your first step on 22nd December!

The dawn of a new Civilization is approaching!